The transaction section of Sonas shows both staff user and customers all charges, discounts, and refunds, along with all associated financial records.

This article will look at when an invoice is created in the transaction section of an event.

Invoices are created, or once a charge has been paid or a payment has been started. To see how to make payments, see Adding Payments

To set up your company's invoice template, see Templates.

If you cannot see this section or get permission denied messages with any of the actions, please contact your Company Admin in order to get the required permissions.

How to create a Paid Invoice

Apply payment to a charge. 

If the payment is less than the charge, an invoice will be created for the amount paid. A partially paid invoice will not be created. The unpaid amount of a charge will remain as an unpaid charge. 

How to create a Pending Invoice

Start to pay a charge, do not complete the process (must get to step 2). When you return to the transaction section, the charge you were starting to pay is now a pending Invoice, requiring payment. 

How to raise an unpaid Invoice manually

In some situations, you will need an unpaid Invoice and a proforma (draft invoice) won't suffice, such as with a corporate customer. To convert a charge to an invoice, follow these steps:

  1. Actions > +Proforma
  2. Select the charge(s) and complete the proforma process.
  3. Once a proforma, click the invoice icon.
  4. Confirm and optionally add a PO number (you can add/edit later)
  5. Click OK

How to automatically convert charges to an Invoice

Sonas supports converting charges to invoices automatically a defined number of days before a charge is due. You can set a default for different event types, see Event Types, such as all corporate event charges automatically convert to an invoice 60 days before they are due. Or you can assign specifically to an event, by going Event > General and scrolling down to Config. Charges that fall in the window of conversion will convert from a charge to an invoice at Midnight. 

How to view/print/download an Invoice

Both the staff user and the customer can view and Invoice by clicking the blue icon. 

The viewed document can be printed or downloaded as a PDF.

How to cancel an Invoice

See article, How to cancel Invoices.

Invoices cannot be edited. 

Related Articles

How to add payments

Verify a Payment

Pay as a Customer

How to cancel Invoices

Templates (email and financial documents)

How to Add or Edit a PO#