As part of your initial set up, be sure to set up some basic Company level configurations. These configurations will impact your venue(s).
If you cannot see this section or get permission denied messages with any of the actions, please contact your Company Admin in order to get the required permissions.
How to add Company info and general configurations
- Navigate to the Company's General section, Company > General
- Fill out your Company's general information, this may be the same or different than your venue's info.
- Upload your company logo to be applied in Sonas, this is visible by staff users.
- Select any global special requirements to apply to all venues. These are set under Company > Categories, see Categories. They are things you can provide as special requirement for guests, such as space for a wheelchair at the table, highchairs, etc. Only list what you have to provide. These can also be venue specific and set the venue level, see Venue Configuration.
- Select the correct timezone, language, and currency.
- Time until login expires is the amount of time required between email verifications on the same device. It defaults at 2 weeks, meaning you will need to verify it is you via an email verification workflow, every 2 weeks from each device you log in to.
- Marketing mode sets your Company policy on your required marketing consent, see Marketing Permissions.
- Cooldown period before charges can be paid (minutes) allows you to put a restriction in place so charges are not paid immediately upon creation, giving you time to audit charges, review with customer, etc. This is in minutes.
- Default action on cancelled/updated services is where you can set the company default on Sonas' behavior when an already paid for service is cancelled or updated, you can choose one of three options.
- "Use discounts to compensate" meaning a discount will be created in the amount paid or the amount overpaid in case of the service update generating a lower cost.
- "Use credit notes to compensate" in which Sonas will automatically generate a credit note against the invoice where the service was paid in the full amount paid if cancelled or the difference if the updated amount is less than what was paid.
- "Do not compensate automatically" means Sonas will not take any actions automatically in the transaction section and it will be up to staff users to make the correct amendments.
- Restrict Domains allows you to define what domains are allowed for staff user accounts, i.e. limit access to users who only have a company issued email address. This is used with single sign on, see SSO.
- Click Save when you add each part, and at the end.