There may be times where you speak to a customer on the phone. This article will walk you through how to log a phone call in Sonas so you have a full history of your communication with the customer.
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How to Log a Phone Call
- Navigate to the Activities section of the Enquiry or Event that you had the phone call with.
- Click Actions > Add Called Client Activity
- Capture your notes from the call and click add.
- The activity will be created, dated and timestamped for the time of logging the call.
- To see the notes, click More Details.
- The call log is also viewable in Notes section. Navigate to Notes, Event > Notes. The recorded call will be visible there.
How to search Activities for a Client Call
- Navigate to either the system Activity log or the Activity log of a specific enquiry or event. Event > Activities
- Filter to the Type, Called Client
- Apply any additional filters.
- Any applicable activity entries will be listed.
- Log immediately after the call, so the date and timestamp are accurate and the call's content is fresh in your mind.
- Make clear and concise notes that will be easy to understand by you and your colleagues.
- Call notes are not viewable in the Customer Planning Portal.
- Call notes are viewable in the event Note's section.