This article will cover 5 basic points that are key to the functionality of your day to day Sonas usage:

  • The categorisation of new leads and messages from existing contacts

  • Assigning staff members to emails

  • Who receives email communication for each event (and how to amend contacts and communications)

  • How to reset a user's email password or resend a welcome login email

  • How to add in a customer without a welcome email and send their login later


Categorisation of new leads and messages from existing contacts

Your inbox will receive communication from your existing customers and the new leads for your venue. Emails that are received from an existing enquiry or confirmed customer will be automatically recognised by Sonas as an existing contact.  Once associated, each of these emails can also be viewed in the Messages sub menu for that contact or event amongst all of the communication with that customer in addition to the main Sonas inbox.  

Any new emails that arrive into the Sonas inbox without an association with an existing contact must be allocated as a new enquiry or associated with a particular event.  On the odd occasion where people enquire separately to you about the same event, the email can be associated manually with an existing enquiry to prevent duplicating leads for the same wedding.


Assigning staff members to emails

The Sonas inbox works more like a task list than a traditional inbox by allowing users to assign each email to themselves or to other staff members.  As the Sonas inbox is shared between all staff members, some of the emails may only relate to or be directed to a certain team member.  This allows any staff member to allocate the email (like a task) to a designated team member for their attention, creating a personal notification for them within Sonas.  

You can allocate an email to yourself by clicking the assign to me button at the bottom of the email or to assign to another staff member, click on the black assign staff button on the top right of the email.

In addition to allocating emails, staff members can also mark the emails as actioned too.  They are able to allocate their name (and other staff members names) under the “completed staff” heading to mark the email as read and actioned.  Just as previously described, this allows the email to function much more like a tasklist rather than simply deleting them afterwards.  

The chain of emails between venue and customer remains in the event’s messages section ensuring that there is a log of who has actioned which emails and provides a detailed history of the communication between you and your customers.


Who receives email communication for each event (and how to amend contacts and communications)

The main contact for each enquiry/event will automatically be designated as the person with whom sonas messages and email communication is received from the venue.  However, at any stage you can add in additional contacts that you may wish to copy in on the planning communications too.  This can be done within the People section of the enquiry/event sub menu.  You will see that within this menu the main customer is denoted with a yellow star by their name on the left hand side. There must always be one main customer and they will always receive emails and invoices will be generated in their name. At any stage you can see which customers are receiving emails by which have the green @ icon beside their names. 

To add in additional people for the event, click on the Actions button in the top right hand corner and  + Invite Customer.

Complete the required information (name and email as a basic requirement) and click Save in the top right hand corner. Please note that if you don't want the new customer to receive emails you can set Send Emails to No. 


How to reset a user's email password or resend a welcome login email

More details in this article


Adding in a customer without a welcome email and sending their login later

If you want to do a little bit of pre-planning for a wedding before providing the couple with access to their sonas portal, you may wish to hold back on sending the initial welcome email out until a later date.  When you are pre-confirming the event and finalising the terms and conditions, you have the option to not send the welcome email out to the couple/event organiser.  This allows only your venue access to the event planning until such time that you wish to involve the couple.  To send out the welcome email to give them access follow the Give Access steps in this article

Likewise when you first join Sonas and wish to migrate your existing events into the software, you may not wish to send out Sonas access via the welcome email to your couple if the planning is substantially completed already.  

You can also provide access to Sonas for any additional people that may be assisting the couple with the planning process.  In addition to your customers, this may include key family members or wedding planners that will be involved.  Once they have been included in the people section, they can also receive email communication and be invited into the couples sonas portal.  By sending them the welcome email they will be able to login to the couple’s Sonas portal and assist with the planning process too.